First Time Sign Buyers Guide: PRICE vs QUALITY TIPS

February 11, 2020

"The price/quality relationship comprises consumers' perceptions of value. High prices are often taken as a sign of quality, especially when the product or service lacks search qualities that can be inspected prior to purchase.“ Wikipedia 


With that statement, it should be noted that not all custom signs are built the same, and not all are built to last. Many sign companies will quietly skimp on materials to save money on their end, resulting in signage that warps in extreme temperatures or fades after repeated direct sunlight exposure. This isn’t even the lowest some “manufacturers” will stoop to; some are merely shell fronts and only deal in imported, shoddily made parts and even completely built signage from overseas that don’t meet CSA standards. But they won’t tell you this, using deceptive language like “Designed in Canada” to deflect the truth of their actions. If you’re paying Canadian prices, you should ensure you’re receiving wholly Canadian made signage 

When dealing with quotes from multiple sign companies, ask their representatives to detail what materials will be used, where from, and what measures will be taken to remedy these issues if applicable. But also ask your fellow business owners (if possible) what sign companies have given them the best results most recently. If you're still unsure, Google Reviews can often be a helpful source of info as to which sign companies are most reputable, and whose signs will stand the test of time. 

It is important if you are investing in new custom signs for your new business to do your research, so you are getting the best value for your money and time. 


Electra Sign is a full service custom sign company located in Winnipeg Manitoba. We offer professional sign design, skillful manufacturing, experienced installation, and quality sign service.