The Production Team & Craftsmen

The Production Team at Electra Sign and Prairie Sign is the heart of our business, designing and manufacturing handcrafted signage with passion and a dedication to innovation and professional quality.

There is a sense of pride and satisfaction that comes from seeing your work on street corners and storefronts, and our talented team feels it every day.

We make it happen.

You can count on the guys - we just say we need a particular type of sign for a certain location and they make it happen - we don’t have a lot of time to deal with all the details - they know what we need and that’s just perfect because it saves everybody time and time is important. They are always, always willing to try - they are always willing to give it a shot. They’re really a great company to work with.

Frances Hak
Northwest Company

Request a Traffic Count.

How many people see your business everyday? We’ll measure and record foot and vehicle traffic around your business to help you find the best positioning and location for your sign. More eyes on your sign can translate into more business for you.

Get Started

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