Doug Elnor: Our Sign Service and Installation Coordinator

July 20, 2020

Born just outside Toronto, Doug moved to Winnipeg with his family when he was 9 years old. 

In his teenage years, he enjoyed sneaking over to auto mechanics to learn about cars --which provided him with a skill set that translated well into the job he got at Electra Sign when he was 18. After he obtained his academic/electrical dual diploma, he was hired as a wiring and electrical technician. Over 20 years later and Doug's still working here!

His hobbies include camping, fishing, and pretty much any other activity that you can do outdoors. He's an easygoing guy who enjoys the open road and counting down the days until he can retire to the country.

As our Sign Service and Installation Coordinator, Doug's duties include ensuring that production deadlines are met, providing customers with estimates on how long a job will take, and managing multiple crews through scheduling and communicating.