Illuminating the Exchange District: Ubisoft Winnipeg

May 24, 2024

At Electra Sign Ltd., we’re passionate about creating signage that not only stands out but also enhances a brand's presence. Our latest project for Ubisoft’s Winnipeg offices in the historic Exchange District is a shining example of this.

Ubisoft approached us with a vision for an LED-lit overhanging sign that reflects their innovative and dynamic spirit. Our team designed a sleek, modern sign that grabs attention both day and night. This signage not only captures Ubisoft’s brand essence but also complements the architectural charm of the Exchange District.

Why LED Signage?

LED signage is the perfect choice for businesses aiming to make a significant impact. Here’s why:

High Visibility: LED signs are exceptionally visible, ensuring Ubisoft’s brand gets noticed around the clock.
Energy Efficiency: LED technology is cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Impact on the Exchange District

Ubisoft’s new sign isn’t just about branding; it’s about blending modern innovation with historic charm. This sign adds a touch of contemporary flair to the Exchange District, keeping it lively and relevant.

Supporting Local Businesses

As a proud Winnipeg company, Electra Sign Ltd. is dedicated to supporting local businesses. Our deep understanding of the community allows us to provide personalized, high-quality signage solutions that help local enterprises, like Ubisoft, stand out.

Explore more of our work and see how we can illuminate your brand.

#SignageSolutions #Branding #WinnipegBusiness #LEDSignage #ElectraSignLtd #UbisoftWinnipeg #ExchangeDistrict #BusinessVisibility #ModernSignage #LocalBusinessSupport

What Makes Quality Signage?

December 1, 2023

Creative Director Brett Aho speaks on signage design and quality.

Electra Sign has been creating high quality, effective signage for over 40 years. With award-winning, certified, and full-service solutions, we are your expert signage partners.


#electrasign #winnipeg #branding #design #manitoba #winnipegmanitoba

Should I invest in a lit or non-lit signage for my business?

October 13, 2023

The decision to invest in a lit or non-lit signage for your business depends on several factors and considerations. Here are a few points to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Visibility: Consider the visibility requirements of your business. If your business operates during the evening or night, or if you're located in an area with low visibility, a lit sign can help attract attention and make your business more noticeable.

  2. Branding and Impact: Evaluate the impact you want to create with your signage. Lit signs tend to be more eye-catching and can create a stronger impression, especially in areas with heavy foot or vehicle traffic. Non-lit signs can be effective as well, but they may not stand out as much in certain environments.

  3. Cost and Maintenance: Compare the initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs. Lit signs require electrical connections, bulbs, and periodic maintenance to ensure proper functioning. Non-lit signs generally have lower upfront costs and don't require electricity, making them more cost-effective over time.

  4. Local Regulations: Check the local regulations and zoning restrictions regarding signage in your area. Some regions have specific guidelines regarding the type, size, and lighting of signs. Ensure that your chosen signage complies with these regulations.

  5. Brand Identity and Aesthetic: Consider your brand identity and the overall aesthetic you want to convey. Lit signs can provide more design options and flexibility in terms of colors, effects, and animation. Non-lit signs may be preferred if you have a more minimalistic or traditional brand image.

  6. Target Audience: Understand your target audience and their preferences. If your target customers are likely to be attracted to bold, illuminated displays, a lit sign might be a better choice. However, if your target audience prefers a more understated or eco-friendly approach, a non-lit sign could be more appropriate.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a combination of these factors and align with your business goals, budget, and branding strategy. Consider conducting market research, seeking professional advice from signage companies, or even surveying your potential customers to gather insights specific to your business and location.